M. York
Professor of Management

York, K. M.,
Wharton, T. J. (2022). Training the
Trainers: An Experiential Exercise for HRM Training. Journal of Human Resources Education, 16(1), 20-40.
York, K. M.
(2021). Navigating a sea of data:
An experiential exercise to teach data analysis using secondary data. Journal
of Organizational Behavior Education, 14, 111-128.
York, K. M.,
Thrasher, G., Savage, N., Kang, J. H., Hammond, M., Demsky,
C. A., & Barclay, L. A. (2021).
Careers Roundtable: An exercise for student career exploration and future
development. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 21(2), 100-112.
York, K. M.,
& Miree, C. E. (2020). The Hanson Brothers Effect: Is rough
play a winning strategy in the NHL?
Journal of Business Strategies, 37(2),
York, K. M.,
& Thor, J. C. (2020). Exempt or
non-exempt: An exercise exploring the Fair Labor Standards Act. Journal
of Human Resources Education, 14(1/2), 58-90.
York, K. M.,
& Miree, C. E. (2020). Achieving competitive balance in the
face of resource uncertainty: A Resource Dependence perspective on the Negro
Baseball Leagues. Management &
Organizational History, 15(1), 22–39.
Wharton, T. J.,
& York, K. M. (2018). Enriching
the student learning experience using social media: The class video festival
exercise. American Journal of Information Technology, 7(1&2), 49-63.
York, K. M.,
& Miree, C. E. (2018). Averting a tragedy of the commons:
Revenue sharing and competitive balance in the NHL. Sport,
Business and Management: An International Journal, 8(1), 35-51.
York, K. M.,
& Barclay, L. A. (2016).
Introducing quantitative research to HRM majors: A structured survey
project. Journal of Human Resources Education, 10(2), 13-24.
Thor, J. C.,
& York, K. M. (2016). Take me
out to the ballgame, but keep me away from the concession stand workers: A
hypothetical case involving negligent volunteers at ballparks. Journal
of Legal Studies Education, 33(2), 293–316.
York, K. M.,
& Miree, C. E. (2016). An empirical test of strategic groups:
Predicting organizational performance.
Journal of Behavioral and Applied
Management, 16(1), 33-48.
York, K. M.
& Miree, C. E. (2015). A longitudinal exploration of strategic
isomorphism: The case of the National Football League. American
Journal of Business and Management, 4(2), 61-70.
Thor, J. C.,
York, K. M., & Wharton, T. J. (2015). It's different because it affects me: An
experiential exercise in ethics. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 11,
York, K. M.,
& Miree, C. E. (2012). Searching for trace evidence of
strategic management decisions: Using organizational theory to understand the
competitive environment. Journal of Strategic Management Education, 8(2),
York, K. M.,
& Barclay, L. A. (2012). The
origami exercise: Exposing students to training effectiveness and
assessment. Journal of Human Resources Education, 6(1), 7-20.
Kim, J., &
York, K. M. (2011). The role of
brands in recruitment: A mixed brand strategy approach. Marketing
Letters, 22, 165-179.
York, K. M.
(2010). Applied human resource management: Strategic issues and experiential
exercises. Thousand Oaks, CA:
York, K. M.,
Tyler, K. L, Tyler, J. M., & Gugel, P. E.
(2008). The ever-changing face of
sex stereotyping and sex discrimination in the workplace. Journal
of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 15(2), 123-134.
Wharton, T. J.,
& York, K. M. (2008). Design
and review of a client/consultant based management
education program: Bridging theory and practice. Journal
of Faculty Development, 22(2), 97-103.
Strubler, D. C., & York, K. M. (2007).
An exploratory study of the Team Characteristics Model using
organizational teams. Small Group Research, 38(6), 670-695.
Miree, C. E., York, K. M., & Lombardo, S. (2007). Using Competitive Intelligence processes
to create value in the healthcare industry. Journal
of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 4(1), 127-146.
B., York, K. M., Doane, D. P., & Tanniru, M. (2007). Enablers of Enterprise Systems training
success – An exploratory investigation. International
Journal of Business Information Systems, 2(3), 250-265.
Van Sell, M.
P., Barclay, L. A., Willoughby, F. G., & York, K. M. (2006). Faculty satisfaction with unions: The
impact of personal instrumentality and active commitment. Journal
of Collective Negotiations, 31(1), 33-44. [formerly Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector].
York, K. M., Strubler, D. C., & Smith, E. M. (2005). A comparison of two methods for scoring
an in-basket exercise. Public Personnel Management, 34(3),
Miree, C. E., & York, K. M. (2005).
Building a competitive intelligence process for competitive human
resource management. Photizo Intelligence Briefing, 2(5), 10-12.
York, K. M.,
& Miree, C. E. (2004). Causation or covariation: An empirical
re-examination of the link between TQM and financial performance. Journal of Operations Management, 22(3),
York, K. M.,
& Miree, C. E. (2004). Causation or covariation: An empirical
re-examination of the link between TQM and financial performance. Quality Control and Applied Statistics,
49 (6), 681-683. [Abstract of: York, K. M., and Miree,
C. E. (2004). Causation or
covariation: An empirical re-examination of the link between TQM and financial
performance. Journal of Operations Management, 22(3), 291-311.]
Barclay, L. A.,
& York, K. M. (2003). Clear
logic and fuzzy guidance: A policy capturing study of merit raise
decisions. Public Personnel Management, 32(2), 287-299. [Abstracted in The Brunswik
Society Newsletter, October 2003.]
York, K. M.
(2002, Fall). Aliens abducted me
and took my homework: Three exercises for teaching research methods. Journal
of the Academy of Business Education, 3, 55-60.
York, K. M.
(2002). Disparate results in
adverse impact tests: The 4/5ths rule and the chi square test. Public
Personnel Management, 31(2), 253-262.
Henke, J. W.
Jr., Peacock, E., & York, K. M. (2002). A process for developing regional
business school - business community relationships. Journal
of Marketing for Higher Education, 11(2), 21-37.
Barclay, L. A.,
& York, K. M. (2001). Space at
work: Exercises in the art of understanding physical indicators of
culture. Journal of Management Education, 25(1), 54-69.
York, K. M.,
& Barclay, L. A. (2000).
Technical appendix: Data analysis using Excel, p. 327-339, in Sekaran,
U., Research methods for business. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
Barclay, L. A.,
& York, K. M. (1999).
Electronic communication skills in the classroom: An email in-basket
exercise. Journal of Education for Business, 74(4), 249-253.
York, K. M.,
Barclay, L. A., & Zajack, A. B. (1997). Preventing sexual harassment: The effect
of multiple training methods. Employee Responsibilities and Rights
Journal, 10(4), 277-289.
Barclay, L. A.,
& York, K. M. (1996). The
scavenger hunt exercise: Symbols of organizational culture. Journal
of Management Education, 20(1), 125-128.
York, K. M.
(1995). Experiential and creative
management exercises using an assessment center. Journal
of Education for Business, 70(3), 141-145.
York, K. M.
(1994). Experiential learning guide with spreadsheet projects. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall. [Study guide for use
with Dessler, G. (1994). Human resource management 6e. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.]
York, K. M.
(1992). A policy capturing analysis
of federal district and appellate sexual harassment cases. Employee
Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 5(2), 173-184.
York, K. M.
(1989). Defining sexual harassment
in workplaces: A policy-capturing approach. Academy
of Management Journal, 32(4), 830-850.
DOI: 10.2307/256570.
York, K. M.,
& Cranny, C. J. (1989). Job
hunting and applicant recruiting: Expectations in the interview process and
suggestions for improvement. The Industrial Psychologist, 26(3),
York, K. M.
(1989). An experiment: Teaching
experimental design. Organizational
Behavior Teaching Review, 13(2), 107-110.
York, K. M.,
& Brookhouse, K. J. (1988). The legal history of work-related sexual
harassment and implications for employers.
Employee Responsibilities and
Rights Journal, 1, 227-237.
York, K. M.,
Doherty, M. E., and Kamouri, J. (1987). The influence of cue unreliability in a
multiple cue probability learning task. Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 39(3), 303-317.
Silverman, I.
W., York, K. M., & Zuidema, N. (1984). Area matching strategies used by young
children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 38, 464-474.

ORG330: Introduction to
Organizational Behavior
ORG331: Introduction to Human
Resources Management
ORG430: Organizational
Research Methods
ORG434: Advanced Human
Resources Management
ORG480: Special Topics in
Organization Management: Safety and Health
Other Things
Books impede the persistence
of stupidity. (Spanish proverb)

They shift coffee-houses and
chocolate-houses from hour to hour, to get over the insupportable labour of doing nothing. (Richard Steele)