MIS 650  Project Seminar


If your project involves a campaign you may require permissions from a variety of individuals.  At the very least, you should include in your project report evidence that

1. There were no legal impediments to your conducting the campaign.  This can be satisfied by a letter from a departmental manager (or higher) indicating that there were no legal impediments.

2. The SBA was at no time liable for any action on your part or the results of actions on your part.  Here is our official "line" on this:

"In carrying out supervision and instruction in this course, the academic staff of the School of Business Administration take no responsibility for the activities of students registered in MIS 650 and accept no liability for their conduct while performing assignments leading to the deliverables mentioned above.  No one connected with instruction or evaluation in this course warrants the validity of conclusions drawn or the value or correctness of any product produced or subsequently used in any pursuit.  Their sole role is instruction (with evaluation) in knowledge and methodology.  They do not and cannot take any responsibility concerning the effectiveness of the products of these projects."

The most effective way of making sure this is true is to have this disclosure signed by a departmental manager or higher.  Be sure to include the paragraph above.

Template Documents

You may wish to use a template similar to the following to meet those two requirements.


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MIS 650 Project Seminar
Permissions and Disclosure


Permission to Carry out the Work
Mr/Ms __________________ has permission to carry out the work described in the attached project proposal for the period ________________ to _________________.  We recognize that this is an academic project and therefore grant him/her permission to carry out the work and disclose this in a document to be seen by the project supervisor _____________________________ and the course instructor Dr. Paul Licker. 

Dissemination of Information
(Strike out this paragraph or parts of it, as applicable; amend as applicable)

Data gathered by Ms/Ms ____________________ during the course of this work is proprietary and may not be further disseminated beyond the project team (including the project supervisor and the course instructor) without approval of ____________________________________.  or
is not proprietary and may be further disseminated (such as in academic publications) with the following conditions:




(Strike out this paragraph if not applicable)
If required Mr/Ms _________________________ will agree to non-disclosure so long as such non-disclosure does not extend to the project team (including the project supervisor and the course instructor).  Copies of such non-disclosure documents must be included in the project report and will remain part of the project report.

Limitation of Liability on the Part of the School of Business Administration
In carrying out supervision and instruction in this course, the academic staff of the School of Business Administration take no responsibility for the activities of students registered in MIS 650 and accept no liability for their conduct while performing assignments leading to the deliverables mentioned above.  No one connected with instruction or evaluation in this course warrants the validity of conclusions drawn or the value or correctness of any product produced or subsequently used in any pursuit.  Their sole role is instruction (with evaluation) in knowledge and methodology.  They do not and cannot take any responsibility concerning the effectiveness of the products of these projects.


_______________________________________   _________________________________
               Signature                                                                               Date

