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Prof. Paul Licker - Research and PublicationsIntroductionSince 1969 I have examined aspects of information systems, communication, social services, and technology in articles, presentations, and working papers. I am a generalist in the sense that I am interested in all aspects of my field, but to the extent that I have specialised it is in the interaction of communication and information systems, whether that is technical (telecommunications), managerial (managing programmers), entrepreneurial (websites for venture capital), semiotic (electronic meeting systems) or developmental (social and economic upliftment via technology). In these early years of the 21st century ("the naughty noughties"), I'm focused on appropriate uses of information technology in human and humane endeavors worldwide. RESEARCH AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES 1. Technology Management, Innovation and evolution, quality management, role of IS. 2. Meeting Management Systems in a Transcultural Context: Investigating the use of systems to conduct meetings by multicultural (and non-Western) groups involving highly emotional tasks. 3. Information Systems and National Development: Exploration into the application of information technology to economic, social and political development in the Third World. 4. The New Economy: Emerging business models and roles for IT to play in fostering them. 5. Culture and Information Systems: Examination of the interplay of cultural factors in the diffusion and implementation and ultimate use of information systems. PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Perceived E-readiness Factors in E-commerce Adoption: An Empirical Investigation in a Developing Country. International Journal of E-Commerce. Forthcoming 2005 (with Alemayehu Molla). eCommerce adoption in developing countries: a model and instrument. Information and Management. Vol 42, pp. 877-899, 2005 (with Alemayehu Molla). Open Access E-Journals: Creating Sustainable Value in Developing Countries, Proceedings Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, July 7-10, 2005. With R.M.Davison, R. Harris, and G. Shoib, G.
Global Economies of Style. Proceedings Global Information Technology World Confereence, Anchorage, AK, June 2005 Reducing the Surprise in Information Systems Implementation. Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications. Vol. 6 No. 1, 2004, pp. 1-10. Maturation Stage of eCommerce in Developing Countries: A Survey of South African Companies Information Technologies and International Development. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2004. (with Alemayehu Molla). What Is The Relationship Between ICT And Economic Performance? Proceedings Global Information Technology Management World Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2004. Exploring Differences in Internet Adoption and Usage between Historically Advantaged and Disadvantaged Groups in South Africa Journal of Global Information Technology Management. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2003, pp. 6-26. (with Irwin Brown) Open up, It’s the Law! Some Comments on Metcalfe’s Law in Developing Countries. Proceedings Global Information Technology Management World Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 2003. Web-based Learning tools: The Influence of Cultural Values on Usage Behaviour. Proceedings, GITM Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 2003. (with Irwin Brown, Belinda Knol and Simon Vincent.. Information Technology Implementation in the Public Sector of a Developing Country: Issues and Challenges. Proceedings, GITM Conference, New York, June 2002. (with A. Molla and T. Mekonnen). Components of Beliefs about IS Among Students: A Content Analysis. Proceedings, GITM Conference, New York, June 2002. PERM: A Model of E-Commerce Adoption in Developing Countries, In M. Khosrowpour (Ed.) Issues and Trends of Information TechnologyManagement in ContemporaryOrganizations: Proceedings of the 2002 Information Resources Management AssociationInternational Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 9-22, 2002. Hershey, PA: Information Resources Management Association, pp. 527-530. (with Alemayehu Molla). A Gift from the Gods? Components of Information Technological Fatalism, Determinism in Several Cultures. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol 7, Jan. 2002. Web Site Readability and
Navigation Techniques: An Empirical Study. Proceedings South African
Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference,
Pretoria, September 2001. (with Robb Anderson, Chris Macintosh, and Andre
van Kets). E-Commerce Systems Success: An Attempt to Partially Extend the Delone and MacLean Model of IS Success. Journal of Ecommerce Research, Vol. 2, No. 4. Nov. 2001. (with Alemayehu Molla) Distance Education in an Information Systems Doctoral Program: TeleAssociation at UCT. Proceedings, South African Computer Lecturers Association 2000 Conference, Strand, South Africa, 28-30 June 2000, pp. 126-134. Extending the Benefits of E-Commerce in Africa: Exploratory Phase. Proceedings, First Annual Gobal Information Technology Management World Conference, Memphis, 11-13 June 2000, pp. 115-118 (with Nigel Motts). A Venture Capital Website for South African Small and Micro Enterprises: A Match Made in South Africa. Proceedings, IFIPS Working Group 9.4 (Social Implications of Computing in Developing Countries) Annual Conference, Cape Town, May 24-26, 2000. Information Systems and National Development: Research Frameworks. Proceedings, First International BitWorld Conference, Cape Town, 1-2 July 1999. A Framework for Information Systems and National Development Research. Proceedings, Annual Research and Development Symposium, South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, Cape Town, 23-24 November 1998, pp. 79-88. Information Systems and National Development. Inaugural Lecture, 28 April, 1998, University of Cape Town Information Technology and National Development: Enlarging the Opportunity by Enlarging the Workspace. Proceedings 1998 ACM SIGCPR Conference, Boston, MA, March 26-28, 1998, pp. 82-85. Management Information Systems: A Strategic Leadership Approach . (Undergraduate and graduate MIS Textbook). Ft. Worth: Dryden Press, 1997. Instructors' Guide to Accompany Management Information Systems: A Strategic Leadership Approach. Ft. Worth: Dryden Press, 1997. Case Analysis Software to Accompany Management Information Systems: A Strategic Leadership Approach. Ft. Worth: Dryden Press, 1997. (Business software system based on the book's major case, for student and instructor use). Learning About Technology from People: Cultural Aspects of Electronic Meeting Systems. Proceedings, Institute of Business Administration and Technology, Annual Meeting, London, UK, July 1997, pp. 151-158. Meeting Management Systems in a Transcultural Context. Proceedings, Annual meeting of the SW Region of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, March, 1997. With Dr. Jon Miller of the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, S. Africa. The Role of Participation in Group Decision Support Systems. Proceedings, 25th Annual Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Honolulu, HA., Nov. 20-22, 1994. Social Networks and Anonymous Group Interaction Using Group Support Systems, Proceedings, 27th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, January 1994 (w. S. Hayne and R. Rice). Prerequisites for Participation in Group Decision Support Systems, Proceedings, 24th Annual Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Washington, DC., November 1921, 1993. Anonymity in GDSS: More than Meets the Eye. Proceedings, 26th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Kauii, Hawaii, January 1993. GSS Above the Snow Line. In Bostrom, RP, RT Watson, and ST Kinney, Computer augmented Teamwork. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992 (with A. Gopal, S. Hayne, C. Pollard and W. Chin) Introduction: The Impact of Information Technology on Human Resource Management. Journal of Management Systems, 4(2): 3-10, 1992 (with A. Lederer). The Consolidation Problem in Group Support Systems: A New Approach and Initial Empirical Evidence. Proceedings, Assoc. of Mgmt. Conference, Las Vegas, August, 1992 / Journal of Information Technology Management 3(2): 15-28, 1992 (with S. Hayne and W. Chin). You Said What? Understanding the Role and Function of Anonymity in GDSS. Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Quebec City, June, 1992. Setting Quality Sights on HR Management in IS. Proceedings, ACM SIGCPR Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1992. Knowing Ourselves and Knowing Others: Exposing Anonymity in GDSS. Proceedings, South Western DSI Conference, San Antonio Texas, March, 1992, pp 184-186. Dimensions of Expert System Management, Journal of Systems and Software, 1992. Getting Advice from Computers: Five Modes and a Simulator. Data Base, 22(3): 1-14, 1991. Technology Transfer: Global, National, Corporate. Calgary, AB: Faculty of Management, University of Calgary, 1990. Comment: Technology Transfer in the Computer Industry. In Licker, P. (Ed.). Technology Transfer: Global, National, Corporate. Calgary, AB: Faculty of Management, University of Calgary, 1990, pp. 150-162. Communication Research in the 1990s. Canadian Communications Association, Victoria, May 1990. Communication in Educational Organizations. In Fiordo, R. Communication in Education. Calgary: Detselig, 1989. Management of Technology and Innovation. Calgary, Alberta: The Faculty of Management of the University of Calgary, 1989. Comment: One Thing Led to Another. In Licker, P. (Ed.). The Management of Technology and Innovation. Calgary, Alberta: The Faculty of Management of the University of Calgary, 1989, pp. 25- 34. Five Models of Advising. Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, West Germany, 11-16 August, 1989. Treating IS Development as a Business: An Agenda for Research. Computer Personnel 12(l): 13-20, 1989. Technology Improvement in the Oil Patch: Hard Lessons from the Software Industry. Conference on Managing Technology for Competitive Effectiveness, Annual Meeting of the Operations Management Association, Columbus OH, April, 1989. (with G. Derbowka and D. Martin). Human Resource Management in Small, High-Tech Firms: Some Lessons for Data Processing. The Computer Journal, 32(6): 533-540, 1989. How Are MIS/IS/CS Graduates Doing? Very Well, Thank You? Journal of Systems Management 40(4): 25-32, 1989. Microcomputers in Clinical Social Work. In B. Glastonbury, W. LaMendola, S. Information Technology and the Human Services, pp. 76-96, New York: Wiley, 1988 (with J. Gripton and L. de Groot). PCDSS, A Microcomputer-based Decision Support System for Clinical Social Work. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, 15- 21 August, 1988, Baden-Baden, W. Germany (with J. Gripton and L. de Groot). Also in Lasker, G. (Ed.) Advances in Computer Science. International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 1989. What Do Software Development Managers Really Do? Journal of Systems Management 39(7): 6-12, 1988. The DP Department as a Business: Comparing British and North American Approaches, Proceedings, Conference on Managers and Managing in Canada, British Association for Canadian Studies, Aston U., Birmingham UK, 16 March, 1988. Fundamentals of Systems Analysis with Applications Design. Boston: Boyd & Fraser, 1987. Instructor's Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Systems Analysis with Application Design. Boston: Boyd & Fraser, 1987. Approx. 350 pp. L'utilisation des ordinateurs et 1'intervention clinique en service social. Service Social, 36(l): 68-95, 1987 (with J. Gripton and L. de Groot). A Value-Added Model of Computer-Aided Communication (CAC). Symposium on Computer Conferencing, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. 1-4 June, 1987. (with Peter Newsted and Bernard Sheehan) Measuring and Managing the Client-Consultant Relationship: The Information Services Review Communication. Journal of Systems Management, 38(4):27-31, 1987 (with Tom Janz) Office Automation and Performance Appraisal. Personnel, July, 1987, pp. 14-20. A Simulator to Test Four Models of Advising Systems. Proceedings, Joint ACM SIGCPR/SIGBDP Conference, Miami, FL. 5-6 March, 1987, pp 58-84. A Value-Added Model of Electronic Mail Utilization. Proceedings, Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, HA, January 1987. (with P. Newsted and B. Sheehan) Negotiating the Mimetic Contract in Film. Semiotica, 64(3/4): 213-228, 1987. Transforming a Measure of Corporate Culture to the IS Department. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM SIG-CPR Conference, Calgary, October 1986. (with Tom Jazz) Consulting Systems: Bridging the AI/D.S. Gap. Proceedings, 19th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Honolulu, Jan. 1986, pp. 471-477 (with Ron Thompson). The Application of Micro-computers to Social Work. Sociology and Social Welfare, 13(l): 27-39, 1986 (with L. de Groot and J. Gripton). The Art of Managing Software Development People. New York: John Wiley, 1985. DP/Company Interaction: Is Job Rotation the Answer? Journal of Information Systems Management, 2(2): 10-16, 1985. Consulting Systems: Group Decision Support by One Person. Proceedings, 18th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Honolulu, Jan. 1985, pp. 466-475 (with Ron Thompson) Will Office Automation Provide the Theory 'Z' Organization? Human Systems Management, 5(l): 11-20, 1985. On Beyond 'Z': Japanese Management Techniques Might Seuss Us Just Fine. Journal of Systems Management 34(10):10-13, Oct. 1983. Deciding on Decision Support: Building Decision Support Systems for Social Services Professionals. Information and Referral 5(l): 23-36, 1983. Applying Theory 'Z' to the Management of Programmers. Communications of the ACM, 16(9): 631-636, 1983. The Computer Programmer as the Model of the Worker in the Automated Office. Proceedings, ACM SIGCPR Conference, Charlottesville, VA, November 1983, pp. 34-38. Active Messaging in the Office: A LAMP Unto My Feet. Proceedings, Graphics Interface '83 Conf. (Canadian Man-Computer Communication Society and CIPS), Edmonton, Alberta, May, 1983, pp. 37-54. The Theory 'Z' Organization: An Unexpected Spinoff from the Automated Office? Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, May, 1983. Code and Code Shifting in Film Communication. Semiotica, 1983. Evolutionary Patterns of Small Business Data Processing Systems, Proceedings, International Council for Small Business Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, 23-24 April, 1982, pp. 43-47 (with J. Frank and A. Naini). Does Small Business Need Accounting Reports? Proceedings, 15th Hawaii International Systems Science Conference, Honolulu, January, 1982 (w. J. Frank and A. Naini). Six Trends in the Office of the Future. Proceedings, ACM SIGCPR Conference, Washington, DC, May, 1981. A Task Taxonomy for Visual Information Retrieval. Proceedings, Third Conf. on Man-Computer Communications (CPIS), Ottawa, May, 1975. Fuzzy Measures Relevant for Information Retrieval, Proceedings, International Communications Association, New Orleans, April, 1974 (on microfiche). The Family as an Informational Impedance Matcher. International Communications Association Conference, Phoenix, April, 1971. Documentation Retrieval in a University Computer Center Environment. Proceedings, ACM Conference, San Francisco, August 1969. |
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