Mohammad S. Bazaz
Professor of Accounting
School of Business Administration
Oakland University
(248) 370-4275
Ph.D., Accounting, The
University of Oklahoma, June 1984.
The Economic Effects of
FASB Statement No. 2 on Small Firms' R&D Expenditures
Master of Accountancy,
National Iranian Oil Company School of Accountancy
Tehran/Iran, 1973
Bachelor in Accounting,
Advanced School of Accountancy, Tehran/Iran, 1972
Best research paper competitive cash
award, 1998, recognized by the Association of Chartered Accounting in the
United States (ACAUS).
Best Teaching
Award, 1999 Engineering Management, Executive Education program, University of
Technology (Austria)/Oakland University.
Best Teaching
Award, 1998 Engineering Management, Executive Education program, University of
Technology (Austria)/Oakland University.
Best Teaching
Award, 1997 Engineering Management, Executive Education program, University of
Technology (Austria)/Oakland University.
Best Teaching
Award, 1996 Engineering Management, Executive Education program, University of
Technology (Austria)/Oakland University.
Spring/Summer Research Grant, Oakland University, 1999.
Spring/Summer Research Grant, Oakland University, 1996.
Research Grant, Oakland University, 1996.
Spring/Summer Research Grant, Oakland University, 1991.
Spring/Summer Research Grant, Oakland University, 1990.
Spring/Summer Research Grant, Oakland University, 1988.
Fellow, University of Windsor, 1986
from Ministry of Education (Iran), 1977-1980.
at DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Auburn-Hills, Michigan, May 1996- March 1997.
Internship at Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan, April-September, 1994
Research at
Center for Economics and Management Research (CEMR) At the University of
Oklahoma, 1984.
at RITACO (an importing company in Iran), 1971-73.
Auditor at
Daghigh Auditing Company in Tehran/Iran (Branch of Deloitte, Haskins &
Sells), 1969-71.
University – 1987- Present (Professor of accounting since 1999)
University of
Technology, Vienna, Austria, 1996-2000 (as invited Faculty).
University of
Windsor (Canada) - Assistant Professor 1986-87
University of
Tehran (Iran) - Assistant Professor 1985-86
University (Iran), 1985-86, taught two
doctoral accounting courses.
University (Iran), 1985-87, Dissertation chairman of a doctoral student
University of
Oklahoma - Instructor 1982-85
University of
Mazandaran (Iran) Instructor 1973-76.
Courses Taught: Introductory Financial Accounting,
Intermediate Accounting I & II, Advanced Accounting, MBA financial and
Managerial accounting, and International Accounting
International Accounting for Undergraduate (Oakland University) Acc417
International Accounting for graduate program (Oakland University) Acc617
“Assessing Currency Exchange Rate Exposure Using Geographic Segment
Disclosures: The Impact of Currency Specific Type and Degree of Exposure”,
Senteney, David, Mohammad s. Bazaz, and Ali Peyvandy, Advances in International Accounting, 26
pages, 2003, Forthcoming
“The Impact of Geographic and Business Segment Diversification Upon Investor’s Perceptions of Earnings of U.S. Based Multinational Enterprises”, Senteney, D., S. Mugan, and M. Bazaz, Review of Accounting Finance, 2002, Vo. 1, No. 2, pp.71-86.
“Value Relevance of Unrealized Translation Gains and
Losses,” M. Bazaz, and D. Senteney, The MidAmerican Journal of Business,
Fall 2001, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 55-62.
“The Market
Reaction Associated with SFAS No. 8 and SFAS No. 52”, M. Bazaz and D. Senteney, Global Finance Journal,
“Cash Flow and
Accrual Uncertainty and Variation in Earnings Response Coefficients,” Bazaz and
Senteney, Iranian Accounting and Auditing Review, Autumn 1999, Vol. 9,
No. 29, pp.78-121.
Exchange Rate Exposure of U.S.-Based Multinational Corporations: The Usefulness
of SFAS No. 14, Geographic Segment Disclosures” Bazaz, Senteney, and Sharp, Advances
in International Accounting, Vol. 10, 1997, pp.1-26.
Impact of Accounting Regulatory Events Upon Earning Response Coefficients: The
Case of SFAS No. 8 and SFAS No. 14," Bazaz and Senteney, Asia-Pacific
Journal of Accounting, December 1996, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 219-238.
"A New
Approach to the Problem of Harmonizing International Accounting reports,"
M. Bazaz and R. Parameswaran, Global Financial Journal, Fall 1995,Vol.
6, No2, pp.155-174.
Impact of SFAS No. 8, Translation Procedures upon the Equity Security Price
Response to U.S. Based MNE's Earnings News", Bazaz and Senteney, Advances
in International Accounting, 1995, Vol. 8, pp.51-65.
Investor Relations Make a Difference?", E. Farragher, R. Kleiman, and M.
Bazaz, The Quarterly Review of Economics and finance, Winter 1994, Vol.
34, No. 4, pp. 403-412.
Adjustment of Security Prices to Earnings: The Case of SFAS No. 14",
Senteney and Bazaz, Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives,
Spring 1994.
Relations”, E. Farragher, R. Kleiman, and M. Bazaz, Financial Management,
Summer, 1993, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.21.
"Use of
Expert Systems in Harmonizing International Accounting Reports," M. Bazaz
and R. Parameswaran, Journal of International Information Management,
Vol.2, No.1, Spring 1993.
Should International Accounting be taught?, Insights from the International
Business Discipline", M. Bazaz and R. Parameswaran, Journal of Teaching
in International Business, 1994, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 51-68.
Measurement of Foreign Income: The Case of SFAS No. 52", Callaghan and
Bazaz, The International Journal of Accounting, 1992, Vol. 27, No. 3,
pp. 80-87.
Empirical Evidence on the Usefulness of Current Cost Data", A. Murphy and
M. Bazaz, Southern Business and Economic Journal, April 1992, Vol. 15,
No, pp. 147-153.
Impact of SFAS 14 Geographic Segment Disclosures on the Information Content of
U.S.-Based MNEs' Earnings Releases", D. Senteney and M. Bazaz, The
International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 27, No. 4, 1992, pp. 267-279.
Consolidation", T. Shastri, M. Zin, and M. Bazaz, CGA Magazine,
June 1992, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp.40-45.
of Tasks for Expert Systems Development in Auditing," M. Abdolmohammadi
and M. Bazaz, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal,
1991, V. 3, pp. 99-107.
Effect of SFAS No. 94 of Firms' Consolidated Financial Statements",
Rezaee, Hossinie, and Bazaz, The Worldwide Journal of Accounting, Business,
and Education, Summer 1991, V. 1, No.1, pp.1-13.
Initial Direct Costs of Capital Leases: Match or Miss-match?," M. Bazaz
and G. Dillon, Journal of Applied Business research, Winter 1990-91, V.
7, No. 1, pp. 106-111.
“A Further
Analysis of the Relationships Between Advertising, Sales, and Profitability,”
Stano, Folland, Moon, and Bazaz, Journal of Midwest Marketing, Volume 5,
Spring 1990, pp.21-28.
of Accounting Rules for Bank Cost Accountants", M. Bazaz, and Z. Rezaee, Journal of Bank Cost &
Management Accounting, 199. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 29-38.
Impact of Statement No. 91 on Financial Reports of Financial
Institutions," Z. Rezaee and M. Bazaz, Journal of Applied Business
Research, Summer 1990, V. 6, No. 3, pp. 112-118.
“A Note to the
Relationship between Advertising and Sales,” Developments in Marketing
Science, S. Moon, M.Stano, S.Foland, and M. Bazaz, Volume XII, 1989.
"Accounting Regulation and Research and Development Expenditures: An Equilibrium Effect," M. Bazaz, F. Ayres, and P. Harsha, Research in Accounting Regulation, 1989, Volume 3, pp 4-14.
Bazaz and Shastri, “Diversified Policy and
Procedures on Accounting for Consolidation in International Environment: Case
of Minority (Noncontrolling) Interest”, accepted for presentation at the 2002
Annual Accounting Conference of American Accounting Association, San
Antonio, Texas, August 2002, (peer Reviewed) 23 pages.
“Gaps In GAAP on Consolidation Policies and Procedures: Case of Minority (Noncontrolling Interest”, 24 pages, 2001, T. Shastri and M. Bazaz, Asian-Pacific International Accounting Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2001.
“The impact of Geographic and Business Segment Diversification upon the Earnings Quality of U.S.-Based Multinational Enterprises,” M. Bazaz and D. Senteney, American Accounting Association Southeast Regional Meeting, April 6-8, 2001, Tampa, FL.
“Using Currency-Specific Type and Degree of Exposure in Assessing Currency Exchange Risk,"
M. Bazaz and D. Senteney, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 1999.
“The Role of Accounting in the New Millennium Beyond the IASC Core: One Viewpoint,” Joint International Accounting Conference by Center for International Accounting Education & Research, Niagara University and Center for International Education & Research in Accounting, University of Illinois, August 5-7, 1999, p.49.
“An Analysis of Foreign Currency Risks and Firms’ Earnings Response Coefficients M. Bazaz and D. Senteney, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 1998.
“Assessing Currency Exchange Rate Exposure Using Geographic Segment Disclosures: A Currency-Specific Aggregated Coefficient Approach”, M. Bazaz and D. Senteney.
This paper recognized as the best paper of the year by Association
of Chartered Accountants in the United
States (ACAUS) in 1998 and won a $2,500 cash award.
Value Relevance of SFAS No. 52, Unrealized Foreign Currency Translation Gains
and Losses: Additional Evidence,” M. Bazaz and D. Senteney, Presented at the 1998 Midwest American Accounting Association Meeting,
St. Louis, April 1998.
Exchange Rate Exposure and the Equity Security Price Response to U.S.-Based
Multinational Corporations Earnings News: Additional Evidence on the Usefulness
of SFAS No. 14, Geographic Segment Disclosures,” M. Bazaz and D.
Senteney Presented at the 1998
Southeast American Accounting Association Meeting, Winston Salem, N.C.,
April 1998.
GAAP, World-Wide Accounting Practices, and The International Standard: Is the
drive for one World-Wide Standard Optimistic,?” (with co-authors), International Conference on Business and
Management (ICOBM), Ahmedabad, India, January 1998.
Value Relevance of SFAS No. 52 Unrealized Foreign Currency Translation Gains
and Losses: Some Additional,” (with co-author), The Nine Asian-Pacific
Conference on International Accounting Issues, November 1997, Bangkok,
Association Between Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and Cash Flow and Accrual
Uncertainty,” (with co-author), The American Accounting Association, Western
Regional Meeting, May 1997.
“Market Reaction to Foreign Currency Exchange Rates for US-Based Multinational Corporations”, (with co-author), American Accounting Association Meeting, Ohio Region, 1997.
“Harmonization of Global Financial Reports: Use of Simulation and Prototyping,” (with co-author), International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Jaipur, India, January 1997.
“Currency Exchange Rate Exposure and the Equity Security Price Response to US-Based Multinational Corporations’ Earnings News: Additional Evidence on the Usefulness of the SFAS No. 14, Geographic Segment Disclosures,” (with co-author), The eight Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October 13-16, 1997, Vancouver, Canada.
“Innovation In consolidation”, The Seven Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, November 8-11, 1995, Seoul, Korea.
"The Impact of Accounting Regulatory Events Upon Earning Response Coefficients: The Case of SFAS No. 8 and SFAS No. 14," (with D. Senteney), The Six Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, November 20-23, 1994, Taipei, Taiwan.
This paper was recognized as one of the four best papers presented by more than 360 people from different countries of the world and was awarded $500 cash.
"The Impact of Accounting Regulatory Events Upon Earning Response Coefficients: The Case of SFAS No. 8 and SFAS No. 14", (with D. Senteney), The Fifth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, November 3-6, 1993, Mexico City, Mexico.
"The Nature of Foreign Currency Translations: An Empirical Investigation," (with J. Callaghan), Forth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, November, 1992, Dunedin, New Zealand.
"Do Investor Relations Make A Difference?", (with E. Farragher, and R. Kleiman), Fifth Annual Michigan-Ontario Finance and Accounting Conference, November, 1992.
"The Investment Performance of Equity Curveouts: The Short and Long-Term Evidence", (with R. Kleiman), Academy of Financial Services, October, 1992.
"The Financial Performance of Equity Curveouts: The Empirical Evidence," (with R. Kleiman), Annual Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, INSEAD in Fountainebleau, France, June 1992.
"The Impact of SFAS 14 Geographic Segment Disclosures on the Information Content of U.S. Based MNEs' Earnings Releases." (with D. Senteney), 1991 Third Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October, 1991, Honolulu, Hawaii.
"International Accounting Curriculum: How Should It be Structured?", (with R. Parameswaran), 1991 Third Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October, 1991, Honolulu, Hawaii.
"More Empirical Evidence on
the Usefulness of Current Cost Data", (with A. Murphy), 1991 American
Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Research forum, Nashville,
Tennessee, August 1991.
"The Relationship and Reliance Between External and Internal Auditors," (with Z. Rezaee and E. Bork), The Twenty-Ninth International Atlantic Economic Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, March 17-23, 1990.
"A Further Analysis of the Relationships Between Advertising, Sales, and Profitability," (with M. Stano, S. Foland, and S. Moon) 1990 Midwest Marketing Association Conference, March 14-16, 1990.
"Identification of Tasks for Expert Systems Development in Auditing," (M. Abdolmohammadi), 1990 AAA Ohio Regional Meeting, May 5, 1990.
"Make Motivation Techniques Work," (with co-authors), 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences, Portland, Oregon, July 8-13, 1990.
"Identifying Data Needs in Global Harmonization", (with R. Parameswaran), 1990 Second Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October, 1990, Vancouver, Canada.
"Homogeneity of Foreign Income Under SFAS No. 52", (with J. Callaghan), 1990 Second Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October, 1990, Vancouver, Canada.
"Use of Expert Systems Harmonizing International Accounting Reports," (with R. Parameswaran and B. Bordoloi), South East American Accounting Association Meeting, 1990, Tampa, Florida.
Feasibility of Expanding the Use of Analytical Review Techniques in
Auditing," (with Z. Rezaee), Midwest Accounting Society, March
15-17, 1989.
"A Note
to the Relationship between Advertising and Sales", (with S. Moon, M.
Stano, and S. Foland), Academy of Marketing Science, The Annual Meeting
vis-a-vis Multivariate Cash Flow Analysis", (with H. Shalchi), the
International Association of Business Forecasting , October 20-21, 1988.
Impact of Firm Control and Leverage on Post-SFAS 2 Expenditures for Research
and Development", (with F. Ayres and P. Harsha), the Midwest Meeting of
American Accounting Association, 1988.
“The Impact of
Geographical and Business Segment Diversification upon Investors Perceptions of
Earnings of U.S.-Based Multinational
Enterprises.”, with D. Senteney, C. Mugan, Review of Accounting and Finance,
Revised and resubmitted for review.
Currency Exchange Rate Exposure Using Geographic Segment Disclosures: The
Importance of Currency’-Specific Type and Degree of Exposure” M. Bazaz and D.
Senteney, The International Journal of Accounting.
of Minority Interest on the Date of Business Combination," (With T.
Shastri), Under revision.
Database Model for Global Harmonization of International Accounting
Reports," Parameswaran and Bazaz, literature review is completed, data
analysis and writing are in process.
“An Analysis
of Segmental Reporting and Equity Security Prices,” in the process of
literature review.
Regulation, Agency Theory, Event Study, Capital Market:(Theory and Empirical), foreign
currency, segmental disclosure, and other International Accounting issues.
Accounting (including Combinations and Consolidations); Accounting Theory;
Managerial Accounting, International Accounting, and Accounting for Health
Accounting workshops and classes attended for faculty
"International Accounting Workshop,"
American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, August 1994.
"International Accounting Workshop,"
American Accounting Association Midyear Meeting, March 1997, Vancouver, Canada.
"International Accounting Workshop,"
Asia Pacific International Accounting Conference, October 1998, Maui, Hawaii.
"Innovative Approaches in Accounting
Instruction Seminar," presented by South-Western Publishing Co, January
1993, Michigan.
"The Irwin Accounting Education Forum:
Bridging the Classroom Today with Success in Accounting Tomorrow,"
sponsored by Richard D. Irwin, Inc., March 1993, Michigan.
"The Accounting Curriculum: Today and Tomorrow:
AECC Recommendations for Introductory Accounting, A Panel Discussion,"
Sponsored by McGraw Hill, 1993, Pittsburgh, PA.
"Basic Income Tax Preparation," a three
month H&R Block Tax course, 1994, Michigan.
American Accounting Association.
Executive Institution.
Beta Alpha
Psi, the National Accounting Fraternity
I have
experience in the following programs:
Lotus 123
Coordinator of International Accounting Section of American Accounting
Association, 1997-1998.
Session Chair at The Tenth Asian-Pacific Conference on International
Accounting Issues, October 1998, Maui, Hawaii.
Session Chair at The Nine Asian-Pacific Conference on International
Accounting Issues,
November 1997, Bangkok, Thailand.
Session Chair at The Eight Asian-Pacific Conference on International
Accounting Issues, October 1996, Vancouver, Canada.
Session Chair at the American Accounting Association Midwest Regional Meeting,
Dearborn, Michigan.
Session Chair at the 1989 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting in New
Session Chair at The Seven Asian-Pacific Conference on International
Accounting Issues, November 8-11, 1995, Seoul, Korea.
of several papers presented at the Asian-pacific International accounting conference.
the Ohio Regional Meeting of American Accounting Association, Ohio, May, 1995.
Reviewer of
manuscripts for the International Accounting Section of American Accounting
Association, International Accounting Section, 2001-2002.
Reviewer of
manuscripts for the International Accounting Section of American Accounting
Association, 1997-1998.
Reviewer of
the Advances in International Accounting.
Reviewer of
articles for Michigan-Ontario Finance and Accounting Conference.
Ad hoc
Reviewer of Southern Business and Economic Journal.
- Reviewed several manuscripts for Asia Pacific International Accounting Journal.
- Ad hoc reviewer for the Southern Business and Economic Journal.
- Treasurer of Willowood Subdivision Association – A non-profit Organization, 1995-1999.
(1) "The
Role and Importance of Internal Control in a Firm," a lecture at Ferdowsi
University, Mashhad, Iran, June 1992, Sponsored by United Nations.
(2) "GOODWILL, Comparison of
World-Wide Accounting Standards and Practices," a lecture at Yazd
University, Yazd, Iran, June 1992, Sponsored by United Nations.
CPA Weekend
Course, June, 1989 Presented a paper on "The Impact of Accounting
Regulation on Small Firms," Oakland University.
CPA Weekend
Course, May, 1989 Presented a paper on "The Need to Classify Worldwide
Accounting Practices," Oakland University.
CPA Weekends
Course, June 1988 Presented a paper on "Accounting Practice for
Nonrefundable Fees and Costs of Loan Activities", Oakland University.
Advisor of Beta Gamma Sigma (business honorary society) chapter at Oakland
University, 2001-Presnt.
Advisor of Beta Alpha Psi Student Organization, Oakland University, 1998-2001.
-Member of
School of Business Administration Committee on Appointment and Promotion (CAP),
-Financial Accounting (Acct. 200) course coordinator, 1988-1992.
-SBA Library coordinator, 1988-1999.
Academic Conduct Committee member, 1991-Present.
-SBA Graduate Admission Committee member, 1991-1994.
-Chair of AACSB Reaffirmation Faculty Subcommittees- Winter 1999.